Low Fare Flight To The Earth Musea Records (FGBG 4815), produced by Banksville Records, published by Universal Music, 
Distribution:  MUSEA / BANKSVILLE

CD and high quality vinyl LP in the same combo box. Rewave System


  Euro 20 Lp+cd
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Also available on MASTER REEL and CASSETTE  

Musea presenta Low Fare Flight to the Earth , il debutto solista del cantante di Arcansiel, Paolo Baltaro.
Low Fare Flight to the Earth è un po’ il risveglio dell’animo pop-rock di Paolo Baltaro, animo latente sinora appena accennato ma ancora mai espresso a pieno. Nel cuore e nello stomaco Beatles e psichedelia ma pure rock e surreale intimismo. Un percorso sonoro di vita. Un percorso sonoro che mai dimentica i parametri popular: una passeggiata di brani accattivanti ma non per scelta e mai per durata. Così, vuoi per caso vuoi per attitudine, scorrono le 9 tracce (più una ghost) che compongono il quadro. Con quella spontanea e semplice necessità che emoziona o diverte o fa pensare o culla, secondo la circostanza. Al disco hanno anche collaborato: Pier Michelatti, Gianni Opezzo, Alo Sogno, Barbara Rubin, Davide Trevisio, Diego Marzi, Emanuele Polato e Kristian Mellergaard Hansen.

LOW FARE FLIGHT TO THE EARTH - Paolo BaltaroPaolo BALTARO is an experienced and talented Italian musician, singer, songwriter and producer from ARCANSIEL, and also involved in the bands MHMM and SADO. For this first solo album, he is joined by numerous guests, on guitars, violin, bass, saxophone... Our man has chosen a CD and LP combined release, with a new system for improvement of digital audio tracks ("Rewave System"), which allows a combination of high digital quality with the warmth of the analog vinyl sound. These nine songs (Plus one bonus on the CD) are a mix of pop-rock, Progressive rock colours on keyboards, and aggressive and powerful sequences ala PORCUPINE TREE. Paolo BALTARO's voice, raucous and expressive, and his talent of producer, give the album a strong personality and musical high level. An excellent collection of worked-out songs.Deeply in his heart the Beatles, psychedelia but also rock and surreal intimism. A music route that has been going on throughout his life, a music route that never forgets parameters linked to popular music: a walk among winning pieces, winning yes, but not for a choice and never in length. Thus, either by chance or for capacity, flow the nine tracks (plus one ghost) which make up the musical painting. WIth: Pier Michelatti, Gianni Opezzo, Alo Sogno, Barbara Rubin, Davide Trevisio, Diego Marzi, Emanuele Polato e Kristian Mellergaard Hansen.

Paolo BALTARO est le chanteur du groupe italien de rock Progressif ARCANSIEL. Pour son premier effort en solitaire, notre homme a choisi la solution à savoir publier le CD accompagné d'une version LP en bonus ! L'album bénéficie de plus d'une technologie inédite, appelée Rewave System, et consistant en une amélioration considérable de la qualité d'un enregistrement analogique. Musicalement parlant, Paolo BALTARO assure aussi bien les parties vocales que l'ensemble des instruments, accompagné par de nombreux invités. Voici une musique moderne et élégante, autant marqué par l'héritage des Seventies que par la qualité d'une production actuelle. Dans ce sens, difficile de ne pas penser à PORCUPINE TREE ou KINO, par exemple. Les neuf titres originaux sont complétés par "Goodnight Paris", une composition enregistrée avec le groupe MHMM