Paolo Baltaro
La Tempête Original Soundtrack - a film by Ricky Mastro
Seven-inch collectors vinyl EP special edition (4 songs)
Released by BANKSVILLE Records,  Distribution: Banksville Records - CDBABY


Seven inch EP (4 songs) vinyl only.
Composed and directed by Paolo Baltaro

Film website link:         

    Euro 8
Seven-inch collectors vinyl EP special edition.

All credit cards and Paypal accepted

Sette pollici (45 giri) con la colonna sonora originale del cortometraggio di Ricky Mastro "La tempête" (2017), distribuito da The Open Reel. Quattro brani composti e diretti da Paolo Baltaro. Il tema principale Do It Again è tratto dal suo ultimo disco "The Day After The Night Before", pubblicato da Banksville Records.

Bande originale du film "La tempête" de Ricky Mastro, composée par Paolo Baltaro, distribuée par The Open Reel. Quatre morceaux de grande musique (45 tours, 7"). La chanson Do It Again est tirée du disque "The Day After The Night Before", produit par Banksville Records.

Original soundtrack of "La tempête" (2017), a film by Ricky Mastro, (The Open Reel.distribution). Music composed and directed by Paolo Baltaro. Seven-inch collectors vinyl EP special edition. The main theme "Do It Again" is taken from Paolo Baltaro's record "The Day After The Night Before", released on vinyl and cd by Banksville Records.